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SEE4 Longhorn Cattle Company
Located about an hour South of Kansas City
SEE4 Longhorn Cattle Company is the return of a lost passion for Jedidiah and Stephanie Seely. In 2015, when Jedidiah and Stephanie bought their current home, they knew that Texas Longhorns would soon grace the pastures. Jedidiah began the search for what would become the “original” herd. The original herd was made up of four (4) registered longhorns- 2 cows, 1 heifer, and a young bull. That original herd quickly grew from those four to a herd of 40 animals in just a year.
Over the next three years, Jedidiah, Stephanie, and their 2 children, had become regulars at all major events (Horn Showcase, Longhorn World Championship, and the Millennium Futurity) and most sales across the country. Most of the time, they had animals competing in the events, with most of them placing in their respected classes.
In the 2018, Jedidiah and Stephanie, would change the direction of their herd. That fall, saw a large herd reduction. The herd size went from 32 cows, heifers and calves to just 7 animals. The remaining 7 would become the “hobby herd”. The hobby herd had, 1 cow from the original 4 purchased back in 2015. That cow is known as Couture. She is still the foundation cow of the herd today. Also kept in the herd were, three (3) of the calves from the original herd, 2 heifers, and a young 9-month-old bull. Little did anyone know, what that young bull would do for them over the next year.
That young bull, would become a true game changer, not just for the herd at SEE4 Longhorn Cattle Company, but for the Longhorn world. That young bull would be named Undaunted. Over the course of the next year, Undaunted just kept growing, and as many longhorn cattle do, his horn tips began to go upward. Then they started to roll back, kept following that motion over time, until now his horn tips are pointing back down. Why is this special? Well, in the longhorn industry the “twist”, some will say is being grown out of the breed, while breeders chase that elusive Tip-to-Tip measurement- the measurement from one horn tip to the other. This twist is what makes cattle even more valuable today. Most of us have seen Texas Longhorn cattle with a twist, even Undaunted’s grandma has this, but no one has seen a bull do it- until now! Undaunted is on track to become the first ever bull in the entire breed to have a full lateral twist. This makes him and all his prodigy very valuable.
We would like to say Thank You for stopping by, reading our story, and looking over the cattle. Texas Longhorns have truly become a special part of our lives and we hope that we can help contribute to helping others feel the same way. Plus, with Jedidiah’s expertise in insurance and the breed, he is one of the few that can help you insurance your cattle. Like a man once said, “if you can’t afford dead stock you can’t afford livestock”, but Jedidiah says you don’t’ have try and afford the death of an animal because, “If you can afford livestock, you can afford to insure them!”
How can I insure my longhorns?
Let me help you with that, click below to find out more